Holy Trinity Seminary Choir Performs at Paschal Reception
of the Russian Consulate in New York City
Holy Trinity Seminary Choir Performs at Paschal Reception of the Russian Consulate in New York City.
The Holy Trinity Seminary Choir sang on Bright Thursday (April 28), 2011, at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Manhattan, New York, for its official Paschal reception.
The HTS Choir was invited by the Consul General, the Honorable Andrei Konstantinovich Yushmanov. It was the only Church ensemble at the event. Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk, Bishop Jerome of Manhattan, and many clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church were present.
Following an address by the Consul General Andrei K. Yushmanov, and Archbishop Justinian, the HTS Choir sang arrangements of Christ is Risen in Greek, Latin, and Slavonic by Astafev, Paschal Irmosi (Kiev Chant) arranged by Hieromonk Nafanil, Plotiyu Usnuv by Archimandrite Theophan (as sung in Jordanville), and the Paschal Stikhiri, also harmonized by Hieromonk Nafanil.
Holy Trinity Seminary would like to express its gratitude to Mr. Yushmanov for his gracious invitation and hospitality, and for the opportunity to share some Paschal joy with those in attendance.