Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Anna Visits Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary
On Monday, November 12, 2007, the Myrrh-streaming icon of St. Anna was brought to Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary by its guardian, Archimandrite Athanasy (Mastalsky). Fr. Athanasy was accompanied by Abbott Tikhon (Amelchenya) and Hieromonk Nikolai (Perekrestov). After small compline, a moleben with an akathist to Sts. Joakim and Anna was
served by Arkhimandrite Luke (Murianka) together with both visiting and local clergy. The seminarians, monks, local and visiting clergy, and many Orthodox faithful were in attendance. At the end of the service, icons of St. Anna, blessed on the original Myrrh-streaming icon, were distributed to the faithful during the veneration of the icon. Fr. Athanasy offered a sermon, which included a history of the importance of St. Anna in his life, as well as a brief history of the myrrh-streaming icon. The brotherhood and Seminary communities were blessed with the icon’s presence in church at Divine liturgy the following morning. While this has been the first visit of the Myrrh-streaming icon of St. Anna to Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary, we hope that we will be blessed with its presence in the future, and wish to thank Fr. Athanasy for making the journey to Jordanville.